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Shadow of the Demon Lord Spell Reference

by spoofer

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Shadow of the Demon Lord Spell Reference

This product lists the 1,358 spells that appear in the core rulebook and the main supplements (see list below). The spells are organized by tradition, rank, and source book. Each entry contains the spell's name, its type (either Attack or Utility), and a link to the record.

Note: This module contains links to spells in other Shadow of the Demon Lord products. The links open the spell record in the other product. If you do not own the product, then the you see a message indicating. See the product images for examples of opening links.

Spells from the following products have been linked:

  • Core Rulebook
  • Occult Philosophy
  • Demon Lord's Companion
  • Demon Lord's Companion 2
  • Terrible Beauty
  • Hunger in the Void
  • Uncertain Faith Player
  • A Glorious Death
  • Tombs of Desolation

UUID 24a2abe2-9d05-11ed-8c52-0050562be458