by GKEnialb
This extension limits the number of a specific window type that will be
up at any one time. Any window type configured as "Yes" in the options
(or those windows not listed in the options) will only be allowed 1
window. You can override this behavior by pressing control while
clicking. Any window type configured as "No" in the options will behave
as before.
Single Window Options.png
Single scaled.png
Multi scaled.png
If you want to edit the default windows that will be allowed multiple
versions and aren't in the options, edit this line (several window types
are in comments below it for ease of use):
aIgnoredWindowClasses = {"masterindex", "charselect_host", "charselect_client"} -- we always ignore these
UUID a10c3cb4-aff4-11ed-8c52-0050562be458