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Stage Whisper

by Saagael

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Stage Whisper

With this extension, whenever someone whispers to another person, it will show a notification in chat to everyone not included that the two people are whispering. The goal is to simulate the feeling when the GM takes a player out of the room to talk, or two players step aside and have a private conversation; everyone knows that something is being discussed, even if they don't know what it is.

Configuring Whisper Notifications

You can configure Stage Whisper via a button in the options menu. Clicking the button opens the Whisper configuration window. There are two points of configuration for Stage Whisper:

  • GM Alias: This is the text used for the GM when the GM is involved in a whisper. You don't need to capitalize the first letter of the text, because the alias can be used anywhere within the whisper message, not just the beginning of the sentence. The default is 'the GM'.
  • Whisper messages: When one person whispers another, everyone not included in the whisper will receive a message in the form of a randomly chosen message from this list. So if you want lots of variation in whisper messages you can add them here. Use '[S]' to denote the sender of the whisper message, and '[R]' to denote the receiver of the whisper message.

UUID a8e04238-b2eb-11ed-8c52-0050562be458