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SW Roll Statistics

by Ikael

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Have you ever wondered what has been your highest trait or damage roll in the your Savage Worlds campaign? What is the average damage you're dealing? What are the most used trait? This extension will answer to these questions.

This extension will collect information about trait and damage rolls made in the campaign and allow you to show statistics regarding them.

How to use

  • /stats char - character based roll statistics from current session
  • /stats char all - character based roll statistics from whole campaign
  • /stats trait - trait based roll statistics from current session
  • /stats trait all - trait based roll statistics from whole campaign
  • /stats dmg - character based dealt and sustained damage statistics from current session
  • /stats dmg all - character based dealt and sustained damage statistics from whole campaign
  • /stats cert - display your best roll as certificate

Read more information about the extension from here.

UUID 724c90d4-ebbc-11eb-8c52-0050562be458