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5e Reactions

by Stv

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The extension will notify the user if they can take a reaction based on feats/class features and effects.
The extension also incorporates larger visual notifications for crits/fumbles.

The notifications can be set in the options, and are done on a 'per user' basis as follows :
Icon Style -  This sets the icon graphics to be one of three styles, Standard, Sophy or Nighthag.
Notification Style : This determines if the notifications for Reactions and/or crits use text or text & icons.
Notify in all reactions : This determines if you are notified of other players reaction opportunities.
Always notify AC reaction (GM only setting) : This determines if reactions that increase AC (such as the shield spell) notify even when the extra AC wouldn't help.
Audible notification : Ths determines if the bell is rung on a reaction notification. 

When a character uses a reaction, an effect containing (RCT) in its description needs to be applied to the character.  Ths will then flag that the character has used their reaction for this turn, and will be unable to take any more reaction based actions until the start of their next turn.  Most spells and effects will automatically have the (RCT) tag added to their description so no further action will be required to set these up.  However, some others will require this to be manually setup. 

The majority of the notifications require no setup, but some will require a small amount of manual work first off as follows :

No Setup required:

Absorb Elements
Arcane Deflection
Defensive Duelist
Deflect Missiles
Hellish Rebuke 
Song of Defense
Spectral Defense
Storm's Fury
Strength Before Death
Uncanny Dodge

Setup required:

Stand against the tide is under Superior Hunter's defense - Will need adding manually as a feature.
Sun Shield - Needs to have an effect of 'Sun Shield" created and applied to the character for this to trigger.
Parry - This is a battlemaster maneouver, under Combat superiority.  Will need adding manually as a feature.
Riposte - This is a battlemaster maneouver, under Combat superiority.  Will need adding manually as a feature.
Any Battlemaster maneouvers have to have superiority dice setup as powers to allow for tracking of the superiority dice.
Stone's endurance needs to be setup as a power to allow for tracking of its use, and also needs to be in the characters traits list.
Armor of hexes needs to have a 'hexblades curse' effect applied on the attacker, and that it was applied by the target .

In addition to the above, 5 custom effects can also be checked for as follows, which will allow for custom notifications to be triggered:

REAATKH    - Triggers when an attack hits
REAATKM    - Triggers when an attack misses
READMG     - Triggers when damage is taken
REASAVS - Triggers when a save is successful
REASAVF - Triggers when a save is failed

UUID ba364eec-cff1-11ed-8c52-0050562be458