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Cepheus Engine

by bayne7400

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This is the ruleset only and and is based on Jason Kemp's SRD. Found here: CE SRD There is also an online version found here: Online SRD

This ruleset does contain much of the SRD material but it is integrated into the ruleset.  Character Wizard, Ship design tool, Space Combat.  There is no reference module to load but there is a module with multiple examples of each type record found on the sidebar.

It is also compatible with Moon Toad Publishing's supplements. Found here. Moon Toad DRTPG Page

There is a ton of content for this ruleset and I plan on supporting anyone who wants to develop content for the FG Forge (This is to include coding changes as required to support any material based on CE SRD.)  

See the first two videos on this ruleset here: YouTube CE Playlist


Key features:

Character Wizard

Ship Creation Console

Automated table lookups at the click of a button

Fully integrated Combat Tracker with vehicles, robots, ships.

An integrated effects system (includes conditional effects)

UUID 7e6bdd7a-d0b7-11ed-8c52-0050562be458