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FGU Sound - VLC Support

by Tarkonian

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A free extension to test extending the FGU Sound update with VLC's HTTP:// request controls. This functionality will not be released with the official sound updates, but will be offered as an extension for users to opt-in to while it is being developed and tested. Currently only works for VLC 2.0.0, which can be downloaded from the VLC Archives. This extension is available on the LIVE channel, and may receive further updates in the future.

How to use

1) Download extension and enable in FGU
2) Go to the Sound Settings window in your campaign
3) Click on the VLC button at the top of the window.
4) Specify the routing address used to access your VLC player (This usually should be: http://localhost:8080/requests)
     NOTE: The VLC WIKI shows the address as http://127.0.01:8080/requests/status.xml 
                  - and localhost should point to the same address.
                  - DO NOT append the /status.xml portion of the address. The extension will do that for you.
                  - This is set up to call VLC on the same machine FGU is running on. If your setup is different, this address may not work for you.
                  - Make sure any firewalls, VPN, or antivirus software, is not blocking port 8080.
                  - If you change what port VLC is using, you will need to update the address to use that port instead of the 8080 default port
5) Follow the instructions in the Routing Address window an make sure the WEB Interface Module is enabled in your VLC Player
      NOTE: You can find this option in VLC at: Tools - Preferences - Advanced Preferences - Interface - Main Interfaces
6) Use the Data Management section of the VLC Sound Settings window to import your audio.
7) Use the Play/Stop button with the sounds to enable/disable remotely in VLC.
8) Basic controls for VLC can be found in the Controls window
      NOTE: This includes volume, stop (all), and loop-audio

Further support may be added in the future, but for now we're just testing the remote commands and evaluating the process of integrating a new audio system into our current sound system support. Feedback from this will help guide us in developing further sound updates in the future. For additional instructions on using this extension, check out this forum created by the community: Thread: How to use the new sound triggers in discord using the free VLC media player.


 - UI updates for new format/layout now pushed to LIVE
      - Extension name was changed ONE LAST TIME to help identify errors easier (sorry, I know it's annoying).

08/3/2023 (For TEST servers only) (Patch will be pushed to LIVE when UI update is ready to go live)
 - Updated extension to work with new UI format/layout
      - Users had issues with the paging not showing up on SOME clients.
            -Conflict between new and old UI Formatting/layout. This should be resolved now.
      - Did not change the internal filename of the extension, so this should update without unregistering itself now.

 - File Import list window is not showing
           - Worked in TEST but not LIVE. New Update should fix LIVE (Please message me if this error continues)

      - Fixed a bug with the search bar
      - Fixed loop error (Now loops 1 track instead of trying to Loop all tracks)
      - Looking into an issue with inconsistent URL requests when hitting the play button
           --Resolved by removing "Clear playlist" call from play-requests (users will have to manually clear their lists)
      - Changed to support "any" ruleset
      - Moved from Test Channel to Live Channel
      - Fixed Mute button
      - Default URL should point to  http://localhost:8080/requests on first run
      - Updated extension naming. Now listed as "Feature: Sounds - VLC"
      - Removed Player Session settings (Not supported with VLC and not needed)
      - Removed unnecessary strings that were not being used
      - Removed old settings window options

UUID 52f1ac7a-0310-11ee-8c52-0050562be458