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Sharp Practice- By Too Fat Lardies

by bayne7400

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The ultimate set of wargames rules for large scale skirmished in the black powder era, Sharp Practice are designed to allow the gamer to launch himself into the world of his literary heroes, be they Hornblower, Sharpe, Brigadier Gerard or Harry Flashman. Fun and fast play, whilst maintaining historical credibility, the rules are card driven for a tense and exciting game that is packed with period colour and larger than life characters

Sharp Practice Ruleset Video

The game rules can be purchased at the website below.


- I set the grid to half inch squares.  This sets your tokens to about 12 MM.  The Line units are set in Groups of four per token See the image below. I provided some tokens in the token module for use.  We found during playtest even with no LOS or lighting it was killing performance.  This will greatly reduce the # of tokens on the board.  YOU WILL NEED TO HOVER OVER WITH MOUSE TO RESIZE.  Line tokens should take FOUR squares.  This will preserve the spacing for the formation. (just like on a tabletop)

- Use  my Joy of Painting extension for shock, and other indicators.  This is better than prepopulating them on the table for performance issues.  it is also much easier to use.

- Use encounters to add tokens to map.  These records DO NOT add Units to Combat tracker.  I scripted it only to add them to map.

-  Add each player to the Combat Tracker only.  Both Host and client side can see the leader status.  I scripted the links for the windowlists containing the Force Leaders.

- Wood theme Looks great.  The card panel was redone since the original video to have transparency and work well in this theme.

The play tokens used with permission from:

UUID a1b6a01e-652f-11ee-8c52-0050562be458