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illahad's TN-Difference

by illahad

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This extension highlights rolls that differ from the target by a given amount. It allows to set up thresholds for attacks, saves and skill checks. When a roll exceeds or falls under the TN by this or greater amount, an icon and a message will be displayed in

This extension offers six customization options, a pair for each of three categories: attack rolls, saving throws and ability/skill checks. For each category there is separate success and failure highlight threshold setting.

Option Name
Possible Values
Highlight attacks above TN
0 ... 10 and "don't highlight"
Highlight attacks below TN
1 ... 10 and "don't highlight"
Highlight saves above TN
0 ... 10 and "don't highlight"
Highlight saves below TN
1 ... 10 and "don't highlight"
Highlight ability checks above TN
0 ... 10 and "don't highlight"
Highlight ability checks below TN
1 ... 10 and "don't highlight"
Highlight excess multiples (x2 and x3)
on | off, when on, rolls that exceed threshold times two or times 3 will be highlighted with a special icon. For example, if you set the threshold 4, then excess by 8 and 12 or higher will show special icons.

The "plus-minus" icon is a courtesy of who generously allow free use with attribution:

UUID 0eaa14aa-6853-11ee-8c52-0050562be458