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Map Pin: Bridge Tollgate

by Tailz Silver Paws

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Upon the edge of the Kingdom sits a Bridge Tollgate where a corrupt Captain of the King’s Guard skims coin off the taxes charged for travellers and merchants who wish to enter the realm. Most merchants can afford the extra coin or two the Tollgate Guards charge, but those who argue the point often end up being arrested and held for ransom!

The Bridge Tollgate is a small adventure module designed for virtual tabletop roleplaying and comes complete with adventure maps, character tokens, and story narratives. The module has been set up to employ the Pathfinder Second Edition Roleplaying Game mechanics systems.

We have a Youtube video displaying the elements that can be found in this adventure module location.

What is a Map Pin?

A map pin is a mini-adventure module that details a location and its inhabitants. Each map pin is a drop-in location, a side-quest location that you can drop into your existing adventure campaign. The map pin includes the adventure maps, NPC Data, and NPC character tokens, story narrative notes that describe the location and the motivation of the local NPCs. All the information the Game Master will need, and plot hook examples that give the game master a way to introduce the area to the players.

UUID 67239f80-8c42-11ee-8c52-0050562be458