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The Great Library

by Grim Press FG Forge

5.00 Avg. rating
Total Subscribers: 39


This product offers you a ready-to-use location, which you can drop in any setting, along with detailed encounters that can become an adventure. All of this supported by maps, to complement your game without the need to prepare. 

The Great Library is a bastion of knowledge and wisdom, a place which many dream in going if they had what it takes to be admitted inside. The Masters of the Unknown conduct a tough interview process with anyone who intends to set their feet in this temple to knowledge. However, a special guest is now being harbored by the monks who live in the library, having brought with him a cursed book which threatens to set a great evil free. Will the party help the monks, or protect the world against this evil?

This content is for group of 9th to 10th level. Find below some images to give you an idea on the visuals.

Here's a summary of what you get in this product:

  • 1 location with lore
  • 3 detailed encounters that can become an adventure (6h of gameplay)
  • 3 new stat blocks
  • 1 custom artwork
  • 3 battlemaps with FGU LoS, lighting, and effects.
  • 1 regional map

This content was part of November's content for CZRPG's Patreon, and the maps were done by Jeremy Kimberling, from MimicMaps.

UUID 89e2a168-8ef1-11ee-8c52-0050562be458