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500+ Isometric Portraits Pack 4 - AI Generated

by Aladars Assets

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A huge pack of over 500 fantasy characters, all depicted in isometric view.

There are a variety of portraits, roughly organized in these categories: Artificers, Druids, Littles, Monks, Rogues, Spellcasters, and Warriors.  It's grab bag of colors and styles as generated by AI (LeonardoAI this time).  For the most part, its humans, then elves, with a smattering of smaller races; however, the Littles folder is all small sized races with a variety of looks.  Some of these images have typical AI flaws, but look fine as portraits or tokens.

This pack is Pay What You Like.  It really is OK if that's zero.  If you want to support: buy one of our other products.  Or donate 50 coins.  Thanks!

NOTE: this pack comes in a .ppk file which you can find in your Fantasy Grounds data folder.  It does not go into the vault.  You can unzip it and extract the .jpg files and use them as you see fit (in game, on Discord, whatever).  They will not appear in the module activation screen, they just appear in AssetsPortraits.  For more info:

UUID 4a41d2e4-9271-11ee-8c52-0050562be458