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5E Generic Actions

by Grimlore

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Character & NPC sheets now have generic actions on the character sheet!

This stand-alone extension for Fantasy Grounds adds basic actions as clickable buttons on player and non-player character sheets. 

This extension unlocks the following functions:

  • Adds the generic actions found in the 5e Player’s Handbook as buttons on the character sheet.

    • Includes: Grapple, Break Grapple, Shove, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search, and Use Object.

  • Generic actions that have checks or contesting rolls allow targeting creatures, and rolls are done automatically (completed in a similar manner to spell saving throws). 

    • Checks and contesting rolls support the dice tower

  • NPC’s also gain these buttons on their character sheet —valuable for GMs or player-controlled sidekicks.

In addition, we've been adding new features to this extension as Fantasy Grounds has evolved. They include:


  • Support reminders (operations where possible) in PC/NPC sheets for Grapple (PHB 195), Break Grapple (PHB 195), Shove (PHB 195), Dash (PHB 192), Disengage (PHB 192), Dodge (PHB 192), Help (PHB 192), Hide (PHB 192), Ready (PHB 193), Search (PHB 193), Use Object (PHB 193), Disarm (DMG 271), Overrun (DMG 271), and Tumble (DMG 271). These actions are often out of sight out of mind - so this helps remember (and help execute where possible) these actions are available.
  • Optionally supports preventing attacks and spell casting from working when out of ammo or when certain effects are in place. 
  • Optionally supports flanking bonuses. 
  • Optionally supports range limitations and penalties.
  • Optionally supports special max temporary hit point HEAL shield behavior.


  • Automatically places temporary assets (.png or .webm) into map layers during Attacks/Damages/Power Saves/Heals/Effects operations. 
  • Assets are scaled and oriented over a token or in a run between two tokens.
  • Will place assets on scaled and oriented to pointer shapes (cone/circle/rectangle) if also using free Advantages Extension. 
  • Automatically removes Generic Actions map layers after an action, end turn, or after a token is clicked.
  • Keep in mind assets are on layers which are always in background and are not moved - hence temporary nature. 

For support, please join the Grim Press Discord server.

Detailed instructions on how to use this extension can be found on the FG Forums here.

Please understand that Extensions = RISK: We want users to understand that extensions are code that is added or overrides portions of code in the Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU) application. When the underlying code in FGU changes it can break an extension. We promise to maintain support as FGU is updated. When you run with other extensions they can conflict by trying to overwrite the same parts of the FGU code. We will keep this extensions working with FGU changes, and other extensions created by Grim Press. We make no promises to resolve conflicts caused by extensions created by other authors.

Art and maps in the screenshots are not included with this extension.

Note: This extension was created for, and fully supports, D&D5e (2014). If you are using the D&D5e (2024) rulebooks, some features and functions may not be fully compatible at this time. 

UUID 40749086-ef16-11eb-8c52-0050562be458