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3.5E & Pathfinder Clustered Attacks

by SoxMax

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In order to support the feat Clustered Shots feat, this extension adds a new Modifier called CLUSTERED. When toggled, it remains on until untoggled. While toggled, all damage events will be added to the clustered damage pool. After toggling off, all clustered damage will be combined and applied to their targets.

Instructions for use:

  1. Open `Modifiers` in the `Tool` menu from the right side bar.
  2. Enable `Clustered` modifier. (You can also drag it to the hotbar for easier access)
    • It should turn color to indicate its active. In the default theme it should be blueish.
  3. Apply damage against your target(s).
    • Dice will roll and show how much damage that did. However none will be applied yet.
    • The damage text will contain `[CLUSTERED]`.
  4. Continue to apply damage however many times you need to apply damage. (Probably equal to successful attacks)
  5. Disable the `Clustered` modifier.
    • It should lose its color.
  6. All of the damage rolls that were rolled while `Clustered` are applied to the target as one lump sum. This will be accompanied by the normal damage applied text including the blood drop in the default theme.

You can find the code here:
Contributions are always welcome!

UUID ae77b47e-be52-11ee-8c52-0050562be458