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Ongoing Save Effects

by teamtwohy

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Fantasy Grounds Ongoing Save Effects

This extension adds several new effect modifier types. SAVEO and SAVEDMG are intended to be used together.

SAVEO - This effect modifier is used to track and roll saving throws that occur at the start of your turn. This is used with SAVEDMG.
It is for ongoing saves that you roll at the start of your turn.
SAVEO parameters
- The stat used for the saving throw written with 3 letters: STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIS, CHA
The DC value of the saving throw. Written: DC XX
[This property is optional.] Is the damage magical in nature. If so, properly apply magic resistance if applicable. Written: (M)
[This property is optional.] Does the effect do half damage on a save. If not present, the effect will do full damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one. Written: (H)??

SAVEDMG - This effect modifier defines the damage that occurs when a saving throw is failed.
SAVEDMG parameters
- A number or dice string.
- one of the standard 5e damage types.

An example showing the SAVEO and SAVEDMG elements implementing the Cleric spell "Spirit Guardians" could be written as follows.
Spirit Guardians; SAVEO: WIS DC 15 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 radiant; (C)

If we break down each part of the effect we get the following:
"Spirit Guardians;" - A label to remind us what caused this effect (optional)
"SAVEO: WIS DC 15 (M)(H);" - The SAVEO tells us to save at the start of our turn. WIS is the stat to be used for the saving throw. DC 15 is the target DC you need to match or beat with your roll. (M) means it's magic damage so that things with magic resistance would properly get their advantage. (H) means half damage on success.
"SAVEDMG: 3d8 radiant;" - The damage to be rolled after the save, in this case it would be 3d8 radiant type damage. NOTE: you can string multiples of these if you need different damage types.
"(C)" - The person who applied this effect is concentrating on it so they'll properly roll their concentration saves if they are hit.

SAVEOE works the same as SAVEO except at the end of the turn.

SAVEEFF: type which can be used to add effects to the target if the save is failed.

SAVEEND - The SAVEEND effect modifier is used to automatically roll saving throws for effects which allow a save at the end of each turn.
SAVEEND parameters

An example showing the SAVEEND elements implementing the "Hold Monster" spell could be written as follows.
Hold Monster; Paralyzed; SAVEEND: WIS DC 15; (C)

Breaking that down we have:
"Hold Monster;" - A label to remind us what caused this effect (optional)
"Paralyzed;" - The effect caused by the spell
"SAVEEND: WIS DC 15" - The SAVEEND tells us to save at the end of our turn. WIS is the stat to be used. DC 15 is the target DC you need to match or beat with your roll. On a successful save the effect will automatically expire.
"(C)" - The person who applied this effect is concentrating on it so they'll properly roll their concentration saves if they are hit.

Rob Twohy | rob2e




Twitter: @rob2e

UUID abe2cf6c-c3c7-11ee-8c52-0050562be458