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2D6 Dungeon (Level 1 only)

by Gwydion

5.00 Avg. rating (2)

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2D6 Dungeon is a classic-style dungeon crawl, print & play, roll-and-write game designed for solo play.

You explore randomly generated dungeon rooms, fight creatures, and collect treasure as you gain experience and levels and strive to become a legendary adventurer. Every adventure and dungeon is unique.

With the author, Toby Lancaster's permission, I have attempted to create a module with virtually everything you need to play the first of ten dungeon levels for 2D6 Dungeon.  You will, however, also need the following:

Please support Toby and purchase the books directly from his website here:

I hope you enjoy!  If you do, please drop me a PM, message me on discord, or drop a note on the forum page.

Build 1 - Initial Build

Build 2 - Fixed Errors

Build 3 - Added encounters to all modified table

Build 4 - Fixed all tables that were 2d6 (numbers in the table were wrong) and updated all NPC's to indicate their interrupts so you can see in the CT (e.g. if the interrupts is on primary 2's I added "P:2")

UUID b51be86e-c85b-11ee-8c52-0050562be458