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Feature: Combat Timer

by Zygmunt Molotch

4.80 Avg. rating
Total Subscribers: 695


2023-03-21 for speed and machine performance it's highly recommended you use the extension found instead,

at least while I figure how to integrate that with it's API to have the same round timer start on turn activation!

For the discerning GM or group who realise that combat within our favourite VTT, Fantasy Grounds, can be a bit slow at times.

Using the latest features in temporal accretion, the Combat Timer brings to you, well... time

It ticks, it tocks, it increments, it decrements, and then it does the thing with the bing-boop, and just like that the turn is over.

Hurry your players with a 15 second count down, or leave the GM to go to the bathroom with a 4 minute count and a cheery ping when they're done, the possibilities are endless, just like time

Enjoy when they NPCs cant move because the GM wasted their turn giving a monologue, or alternatively cry, when you can't complete your turn action because the player before has flatulence and the VTT erupted in laughter shaving valuable seconds from your agreed time

Based on the original extension provided by community member Mortgarra, and maintained by Zygmunt Molotch, uploaded and maintained under the condition that it remains free

Error reports, bug fixes, improvements, pleases post here, if any I expect various Themes may interfere if they touch the Combat Tracker

Screen shots below show where this timer is in the Combat Tracker, and the options available when selecting the settings spanner, Extension cover Clock image provided free by Photo by J. Henning Buchholz

The timer generally looks like this: 

The Combat Tracker, generally looks like this, options window expanded : 

UUID 64378918-f0e9-11eb-8c52-0050562be458