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Nation Armies

by sgtwhy

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Nation Armies

Feature development complete!

v1.0 released 2024.10.10


This extension assists with managing the gameplay related to Kingdom Armies, using the rules from the 2022 Kingmaker Adventure Path.


This is designed to work with any Core RPG based ruleset. It has been tested specifically with Pathfinder 1e, 2e and D&D 5e to ensure it is compatible with all variants of the Kingmaker AP.

While it can be used "stand-alone", it is intended to be used in combination with the "Nation Builder" extension.


Army Actions

The first tool covers the creation and non-combat management of Kingdom armies. When combined with the Nation Builder tools -- this adds a new step after the civic phase, called "Army Actions".

First, armies are created using a related Nation Action (during the leadership phase) to attempt to recruit an army. Either standard or unique types can be recruited with a different kingdom skill check for each.

The new army wizard popup makes it easy to create a new army from the list of available options. The GM select the appropriate "class", adds any over-ride values for gear or unique units and then hits the level up button ... to "level up" the army to kingdoms current level, updating all their statistics... all using automation and referencing the expanded ruleset.

Then, after the Civics phase is done; Each army under control of the PCs nation can attempt a single “army action”. This can include actions such as Deploy (moving to new location), Recover (damage, conditions, etc.) or even Train (new tactics).

Inventory - Gear and Tactics

Lastly, the army actions tool has a second tab for easy access to all of the available gear and tactics. You can use this to acquire new army gear or to train a new tactic for the selected army. The

NOTE: If the Nation Builder is loaded, it will use the relevant skill bonuses (and nation DC) to determine success of these checks. However, stand-alone, this functionality is disabled which defaults all nations actions to 0% success chance.

War Actions

This toolset assists with tracking the actual combat related actions for nation armies. It can track both PC and enemy armies, along with their combat related data and current states.

Nation war actions typically only occur as a result of a battle between nation armies.

  • Armies start at a “Near” distance from each other and make initiative checks using their Scouting score. 

  • Combat then repeats on a round by round basis, until all units on a single side have been routed or destroyed.
  • Once all units on (1) side are defeated; all their armies are considered destroyed and combat ends.
  • Based on initiative order, each army is allowed to attempt up to 3 actions (per combat turn).
  • This can include basic actions such as Advance (to melee range), Battle (single attack action) or Retreat. In addition, there are tactical actions that armies can learn and some unique tactics available only to unique army types.

  • If a typical attack succeeds (hits the enemies AC) then it typically causes (1) point of HP damage. (2 on a critical success) This stacks and does not heal when out of combat. Instead, it requires attempting a recovery action to restore damage taken.

  • At the end of each combat round, each unit that took damage checks if its current HP value is below the route threshold. If it is, then the damaged army must attempt a simple Check to avoid routing.

If it is routed;

  • the army can only take retreat actions (on its turn)
  • routed armies can attempt no other actions, until it successfully retreats or is destroyed.

Defeated vs Destroyed;

  • Defeated units are considered routing and will be destroyed if they take additional damage.
  • If a unit drops to 0 (or less) is it considered to be destroyed and is removed from combat.


  • The winning side of a conflict can attempt to “Distribute Gear” after winning a battle
  • This essentially loots the fallen armies in an attempt to “Gear up” their army.
  • If successful, the winning army can gain (1) piece of gear at or below the enemies army level.

War - Conditions

The second tab of the War actions, includes a list of all the possible conditions that can be applied to armies during encounters. It allows the GM to quickly add and track conditions that might result from army or war actions.

Army details


The players can attempt to recruit locals into a standard army, using a leadership action. Each army has a default recruit DC based on its level, while unique armies have a higher DC decided by the GM.


Besides the leadership check, there is no cost involved with recruiting an army. However, there is a monthly cost in “food” for maintaining each army. Some army tactics can increase or reduce their food consumption.

Failing to feed any of your armies will also result in (all) your nations armies suffering. If it repeats, it could result in widespread dissolution of your armies … with a secondary wave of unrest and corruption caused by the armies disbanding.

Types of Armies

There are (4) types of armies defined with the new mechanics. The number listed after each, is the minimum nation level required to attempt to recruit such an army.

  • Infantry (1)

  • Skirmisher (3)

  • Cavalry (5)

  • Siege Engines (7)

Each has different attributes and bonuses, or in some cases they include starting tactics for war actions.

Army attributes

The new mechanics basically create a simplified character sheet for each army. It tracks the skills, saves and attacks available. And also has sections for tracking gear, tactics and conditions.

  • Scouting is used for initiative checks as well as some contested actions.
  • Maneuver/Morale are essentially “saves” with one with a high bonus and the other a low bonus.
  • Hit Points and Armor Class are what you would expect, although healing is not automatic.
  • Melee and Ranged attacks are also based on the army’s level. Typically an army starts with a single type of attack, but can later be upgraded with additional weaponry.

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