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5E Effects Coding - Feats

by teamtwohy

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5E Effects Coding - Feats 

Do you play or DM Fantasy Grounds D&D 5E?

This delivers all of the coding effects for feats for the PC sheet Actions tab in drag-and-drop format! DMs and players viewing the combat tracker will always know the status of any effect and where the effects are applied. No more stopping your game to code features. Drag, drop, KEEP PLAYING!

Fantasy Grounds coding for every feat done right.

With EACH feat that has or needs effects, titles are applied.

Also, for easier use for both players and DMs -

In the feat titles, there will usually be symbols.

This is the key for those symbols:

(B) Bonus Action

(R) Reaction

Example of three feats:

This will be a great time saver for players and ESPECIALLY DMs!

I welcome suggestions and feedback. Please let me know. And feel free to adjust accordingly.


Any errors found, please let me know, I will publish corrections immediately!

Rob Twohy | rob2e




Twitter: @rob2e

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