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DC20 Community Ruleset

by Elewyth

5.00 Avg. rating (4)

Forum Thread
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This ruleset provides support for the DC20 ruleset within Fantasy Grounds.

Up-to-date with DC20 Beta 0.8!

Main Features

  • DC20 specific Character Sheet
  • DC20 specific Combat Tracker
  • DC20 specific records
    • Items (Armor, Weapon, Shield)
    • Ancestry Traits
    • Maneuvers (includes Techniques)
    • Spells
  • Effect automation for most DC20 specific conditions
  • Advanced effect automation out-of-the-box (see the Effect Automation documentation for details)
  • Automation support for Degrees of Damage (Heavy Hit, Brutal Hit, Critical Hit, etc.)
  • Automation support for PDR and MDR (only applies if a non-heavy attack was registered as the most recent action against this target)
  • Automation support for Dynamic Attack Saves
  • Automation support for Action Point recharge (APs recharge automatically at the end of an actors turn)
  • Drag&Drop based support for DC20 initiative system (drag&drop NPCs in Combat Tracker to create custom initiative order)

Roadmap / TODO

This list is not necessarily up-to-date or in order of priority. For details refer to the Forum Thread, or to the Issue Tracker.

  • Add records for Class features
  • Automate Rests
  • Automation for Class setup (e.g. automatically calculate SP/MP)
  • Automation support for concentration

UUID 88c93220-e468-11ee-af56-0050562be458