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Eridul Additions

by mwfantasygrounds

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Currently includes the following:

  • Influence/Attitude for NPCs from GM Core
  • Reputation for Factions from GM Core
  • Victory Points Subsystem from GM Core
  • Research Points Subsystem from GM Core
  • Shops:
    • Note: This is NOT a detailed shop where you stock it with individual items... it is a shop that includes basic information on what goods and services are available for the PCs to do their own shopping.
    • Main tab includes basic information for the GM and for the PCs (if the GM shares the record).
    • Goods tab lists the types of goods that are available as well as the quantity per good, cost adjustment, and maximum item level.
    • Services tab lists the types of services that the shop offers.
    • (GM Visible Only) GM Notes tab is a notes tab for the GM.

      v1.1 Update (20250102)

      NOTE: This version includes something that will break currently existing records. If you get any console errors when opening the Events (or Goods) tab, perform the following steps:

      1. Close FG.
      2. Open your Campaign's folder.
      3. Open db.xml.
      4. Find all 'SessionNum type="string"' and replace with 'SessionNum type="number"'

      Alternatively, you can remake the records. Sorry about that!


      • Added Game Options so you can enable/disable features. It is at the bottom of the list, under the "Eridul Additions" category. It really just shows/hides the sidebar buttons and is more for reducing clutter from unused features.
      • Added additional rulesets from user request - PFRPG2-Legacy and Shadowdark. Also added CoreRPG for testing. NOTE: I only play using the PFRPG2 ruleset, so that is the only one that I officially support.


      • The various lists (like on the Events tab of the Factions record) now expand vertically with the window.
      • The various lists now also are correctly sorted in numerical order (I plan to add a toggle to sort Ascending/Descending in the future).
      • Added the Perception, Will, Background, Appearance, Personality, and Penalty fields to the NPC Influence statblocks to match what is in GM Core.
      • Altered the NPC Influence Thresholds field to be a list automatically sorted ascending by IPs.

      UUID d4763a8a-61a2-11ef-af21-0050562be458