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CRW Deckplan Assets

by Pharoid

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Design deckplans, stations, buildings and more with the assets I've used to create my deckplans that are released on the fantasy grounds forge. Same assets used to create the free MGT2 deckplans and the Cepheus Engine Project Sci Fi deckplans. Place them over the old deckplans and/or make completely new ships, stations, buildings etc...

Also included are new animated versions of some of my original assets and some effect assets like blinking lights, animated backgrounds and energy trails.

All assets were created in 3d by me out of my frustration with not being able to find sci/fi assets a few years ago. Its still not easy. But now you can enjoy the assets I created. If you have any ideas or requests for new assets, give me a shout and maybe I can make it and include it here.

Sample deckplan included.

Examples that include some of the assets:

Development preview videos:

Content is for personal use only.

Enjoy. :-)

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