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Table Basics: Splendorous Spells

by cabbruzz

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This tome contains 41 new spells that open up more sorcerous avenues for magic users in your fifth edition campaign. Table Basics: Splendorous SpellsFrom greatly expanded Necromancer options, to improved Storm sorcerery choices, all the way to fearsome battle Clerics. Where the arcane arts were lacking this supplement conjures up more power.

Also in these pages are solutions for your common spellcasting woes. The pages contain explanations and clarifications for all of the common, and even uncommon, spell casting questions that come about in a game. Optional rules provided within help simplify and resolve many of the nonsensical mess that comes from this tangled web of an edition. Mixed in are also charts and formulas for calculating numbers that are time consuming to crunch in game.

So don your favorite wizard hat and study Splenderous Spells. It will perfect your spell book collection.

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