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Draw Steel Ruleset


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A ruleset I made for the MCDM RPG, "Draw Steel" to play in Fantasy Grounds.

Draw Steel Ruleset is an independent product published under the DRAW STEEL Creator License and is not affiliated with MCDM Productions, LLC. DRAW STEEL © 2024 MCDM Productions, LLC.

This ruleset is published under the MCDM Draw Steel license provided by their first backer packet kit:

v.073 character sheet improvements and added filters for NPC list and EV calculator for encounters, added hero token tracker to Combat Tracker, changes to stamina tracker and removed potency scores from main tab (these are recorded in abilities)
v.072 updates to actions, features, and modifiers tab
v.071 bug fixes, updated items
v.070 packet 4 (2024/12/20) update
v.062 combat tracker feature update
v.060 Features: abilities now have power roll button that displays tier results in chat
v.059 Features: added new skills tab, added winded value to main character sheet page, added initiative "gone" markers, various UI bug fixes
v.058 added rollable attributes to main tab
v.056 various ui bugs resolved
v.055 updates to character sheet (new kit tab and new main tab)
v.054 fixes dice and modifier button default placement / fixes character sheet tab colors
v.052 adds new ancestries and classes tab
v.050 adds new abilities tab and custom abilities template
v.043 adds desktop buttons for edges, banes, double edges, double banes

UUID 7ce545a0-7489-11ef-af21-0050562be458