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Low Fantasy Gaming

by damned

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Low Fantasy Gaming

Low Fantasy Gaming (“LFG”) is a tabletop role-playing game built for sword & sorcery adventures in low magic worlds.

Requires the MoreCore ruleset. includes an Extension and 3 Modules - Players Handbook, Games Master Guide and a free Adventure.

Big shout out to Stephen J. Grodzicki from Pickpocket Press who has made it possible to share not only this Ruleset Extension but also the complete First Edition of Low Fantasy Gaming in Fantasy Grounds format.

Rules Light

LFG is rules light, with a heavy emphasis on Games Master (“GM”) rulings. It’s a hybrid of old school and modern game design, based on the 1d20 Open Game Licence.

Fast & Engaging Combat

Combat is designed to be fast and engaging, with minimal waiting between turns. Creativity is encouraged via martial exploits and magic.

Dangerous & Gritty

Battle is genuinely dangerous and every skirmish takes a toll. The threat of serious injury or death is never far away.

A “Realistic” World

LFG worlds tend to mimic our own classical or medieval periods. Humans are the default player race. Magic and fantastic monsters exist, but are very rare.

Dark & Dangerous Magic

Magic is not only rare, it is dark and inherently dangerous. Sorcery is a power not meant for mortals, and adventurers engage with it at their peril.

Riches & Glory

LFG is about exploring the unknown; delving into the lost places of the world to unearth new mysteries. Player characters are not epic heroes charged with saving the world; they are bold adventurers seeking riches and glory.

Open World

LFG is made for short, episodic adventures in an open world. Mechanics and random tables support GM improvisation, empowering the referee to handle any situation or side trek.

Have fun - and be sure to check out more Low Fantasy Gaming resources over at including the newer Deluxe Edition.


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