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What Else Could I Do?

by Alanrockid

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What Else Could I Do? (or WECID for short) introduces 3 new conditional controls for Fantasy Grounds, allowing you to trigger effects when the initial conditions are not met. Perfect for spells like "Toll the Dead" or abilities with special effects based on specific circumstances.


Add ELSE (separated by a semicolon) after a conditional IF or IFT. If the initial conditions are not met, everything after ELSE will be used instead.


Toll the Dead; IFT: wounded; DMG: 1d12 necrotic; ELSE; DMG: 1d8 necrotic;
Tip: If you use Better Combat Effects, you can replace DMG with DMGA to roll damage automatically.


  • If the target is wounded, it takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
  • If the target is not wounded, everything before ELSE is ignored, and it takes 1d8 necrotic damage instead.

ELSEIF - ELSEIF works like ELSE, but lets you specify additional conditions. Instead of separating it with a semicolon, use a colon to define the condition, similar to IF.


Fight or Flight Response; IF: healthy; DMG: 1d6; ELSEIF: bloodied; DMG: 1d12; ELSE; DMG: 1d8;

This homebrew feature grants variable bonus damage based on the user’s HP status:

  • Healthy (full HP): Deals 1d6 additional damage.
  • Bloodied (50% HP or less): Deals 1d12 additional damage.
  • Wounded (more than 50% HP but not full): Deals 1d8 additional  damage.

ELSEIFT - ELSEIFT is the same as ELSEIF, but applies conditions to the target instead.


Eclipser's Edge; IFT: TYPE(celestial); DMGTYPE: necrotic, magic; ELSEIFT: TYPE(fiend); DMGTYPE: radiant, magic;

This weapon adjusts its damage type based on the target:

  • Celestials: Adds necrotic and magic damage type.
  • Fiends: Adds radiant and magic damage type.

Important Notes

  • Ensure this extension is loaded after other extensions that modify EffectManager5E (e.g., Better Combat Effects, Advanced Effects, Turbo, etc.).
  • Found a bug or have suggestions? Send me a message!

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