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Reins of Power

by Fear Grounds

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Reins of Power: A Vampire: The Masquerade Story

Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.

A New Year, a new regime!

Reins of Power is a short one session story for Vampire: The Masquerade. It is best suited for a group of four or five Anarch Kindred, although you can change details to make it fit different characters.

It is New Year’s Eve, and the times are changing. The old Baron, a corrupt and wicked fellow, has been unseated by the players’ coterie, leaving a power vacuum that must be filled. The characters must replace the Baron immediately. They may seize the city for themselves or assume the role of kingmaker, throwing their support behind another Anarch.

This free tale requires the Vampire: The Masquerade ruleset and a Fantasy Grounds license of your choice to enjoy.

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