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Author Mark Coveny

by Coveny

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This module falls under open source licensing and is free to use and modify for commercial use so long as this module is referenced in your work.

Ten new species with 54 portraits of the new species. There are six stunning images of Kitsune, Tigerkin, Catkin, Wolfkin, Dogkin, Bunnykin, and Bearking. These images are split into three male and three female portraits, with styles varying between caster, melee, and rogue/ranger.

Pricing for services

Service pricing includes costs for inns, tolls, funerals, passages on ships, training, NPC spell casting, and many others. (~100 items in total)

Pricing for trade goods

Standardizing sizes on barrels, bottles, and glasses for various trade goods include raw materials such as a pound of iron, a barrel of cheap wine, a pound of butter, livestock, and many others. (~100 items in total)

Additional items fall into other categories, such as five new vehicles, around 40 different foods/meals, and 25 new magic items.

Several new NPCs for armies, such as Infantry, cavalry, and archers, with various kits that include their initial and maintenance costs.

Five new backgrounds, new archetypes, and around 30 new spells.

If you have something you want me to add to the module, you can email me at [email protected]

UUID ddff0cc6-ea5f-11ef-95f2-0050562be458