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Dungeon Map Tiles II

by Tailz Silver Paws

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The Dungeon Map Tiles II set expands on the success of our first Dungeon Map Tiles set with a second different texture theme for building your own castles, goblin villages, wizards towers, or whatever structure your imagination can cook up.

This set of map tiles expands the existing set of map tiles and brings you a completely new look and feel to the dungeon tiles, with all new artwork. This set includes all of the basic walls, passageways, and odd cornerstone tiles of the first set. Plus 10ft diameter curved wall tiles and 20ft diameter curved wall tiles. The outdoors tiles present a grungy brick building edge that seamlessly matches up with the grass tiles from the first set.

“I started this set to give Dungeon Masters the second series of tiles that can be used together with tiles from the first set to create multiple buildings each with their own different feeling. I hope you have as much fun with this set, as I did making it and using it in my own role-playing games.”
~ Tailz, Studio WyldFurr’s eccentric Artist

Map Tile Artwork

Each dungeon map tile is a combination of hand-drawn artwork and photographic source material that gives us the unique style of all Studio WyldFurr Maps. All of the tiles have been rendered from a birds-eye view of the landscape, with shadowing used to give the illusion of depth.

Map Tile Scale

Our range of digital role-playing tokens all uses a standard scale of 1 inch to 3 pixels, for a standard Dungeon and Dragons character square of 180 pixels. Thus all of our map tiles also use this character square size.

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