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Dungeon Map Tiles III

by Tailz Silver Paws

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The Dungeon Map Tiles III set expands on the success of the first and second Dungeon Map Tiles sets with a new third texture range for building your own cultist strongholds, wizards maze, or whatever structure your imagination can cook up.

This map tiles set includes a new floor texture for rooms and hallways with stone patterns carved into the floor. The walls have also been extracted and are now overlay tiles. This new design method provides greater flexibility to create interesting map designs. Even letting users mix and match floors and wall textures.

What is a Map Tile?

A map tile, in the context of this set, is a square of artwork depicting a specific 5ft by 5ft area of terrain. Such as the floor of a cave, an area of grass, or where the floor meets a wall. In order for a Game Master to build an adventure map for players to explore, map tiles are placed onto the digital canvas one by one until the desired terrain is constructed. Be that terrain a wilderness area, a Castle, Dungeon, or cave system.

Each map tile is a combination of hand-drawn artwork and photographic source material that gives us the unique style of all Studio WyldFurr Map tiles. All of the tiles have been rendered from a birds-eye view of the landscape, with shadowing used to give the illusion of depth.

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