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Dungeon Map Tiles IV

by Tailz Silver Paws

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Expand the adventure with the fourth set Dungeon Map Tiles from Studio WyldFurr, a new art pack of tiles for building fantasy dungeons, wizards lairs, a hide-out for barbarian gangs, you name it!

New Design Method!

In this map tiles pack, we have employed far more PNG images than we have in previous map tile packs. We have done this because PNG images let us employ transparency as an integral part of the map tile design. For example in previous sets the walls and floors were combined, now the walls are separated from the floor in their own image files. This enables far more flexibility in map building. For example, you could create a map using the floor tiles from Dungeon Map Tiles II and the Wall tiles from this pack for a totally different look!

A side effect to this is that some map tiles look, unfinished. Such as the spiral staircase tiles. But this is because the “steps” are now separate from the “walls” that encased them. This is done so that you can mix and match steps from one pack with walls from another.

What is a Map Tile?

Our map tiles depict an area of terrain, such as the floor of a cave, an area of grass, or where the floor meets a wall. The map tiles are provided as ready-made art elements that can be pieced together on a digital canvas to form an adventure map that players can explore.

All Studio WyldFurr map tiles have a unique “look N feel” as each map tile is a combination of photographic source material combined with hand-drawn artwork.

Map Tile Scale

The Studio WyldFurr range of digital role-playing tokens and map tiles all use a standard scale of 1 inch to 3 pixels, for a standard D&D character square of 180 pixels. Thus each map tile is a depiction of a 5ft square of terrain.

How to Create an Adventure Map with Map Tiles?

Inside the Fantasy Grounds app, create a new blank map canvas in the Images Panel. Change the maps grid from the default 50-pixels to 180-pixels per grid square. Then start to drag-n-drop map tiles from the Assets panel onto the canvas to begin building the map, block by block. For more hints and tips about building maps in Fantasy Grounds with map tiles, view our Playing around in Fantasy Grounds playlist on the Studio WyldFurr YouTube Channel.

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