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Dungeon Map Tiles V

by Tailz Silver Paws

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The Dungeon Map Tiles V art pack builds on the success of Dungeon Map Tiles I, II, III, and IV to bring you an all-new texture pack of ready-made art assets. Ancient broken walls and irregular stone floor tiles give the map tiles within this package a distinctly grundy medieval look-n-feel. The package contains the essential elements of any dungeon theme setting, with passageways, staircase tiles, spiral staircase tiles, door tokens, window overlays, and tiles designed to interlink with the grass tiles from the first Dungeon Map Tiles package.

What is a Map Tile?

Our map tiles depict an area of terrain, such as the floor of a cave, an area of grass, or where the floor meets a wall. The map tiles are provided as ready-made art elements that can be pieced together on a digital canvas to form an adventure map that players can explore.

All Studio WyldFurr map tiles have a unique “look-n-feel” as each map tile is a combination of photographic source material combined with hand-drawn artwork.

Map Tile Scale

The Studio WyldFurr range of digital role-playing tokens and map tiles all use a standard scale of 1 inch to 3 pixels, for a standard Dungeons and Dragons (3.5ed) character square of 180 pixels. Thus each map tile is a depiction of a 5ft square of terrain.

UUID 97d45688-1da9-11ec-8c52-0050562be458