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by daddyogreman

4.00 Avg. rating

Forum Thread
Total Subscribers: 676


Unmaintained Extension - currently broken as of last FG update in March 2024.

I don't really use Fantasy Grounds anymore at the moment and thus am not spending time keeping things running smoothly.

Anyone is welcome to either submit pull requests to get this extension working again (you will be credited in the README), or clone it and run with it yourself (the license file says as much in the repo).


  • All: Save overlays for tokens based upon last saving throw roll
  • Menu option as to whether or not overlays are visible to GM or everyone
  • Menu option as to whether or not overlays are reset on combat turn end
  • Chat command /clearSaveOverlays to clear overlays for everyone

UUID 2bd010b6-2de5-11ec-8c52-0050562be458