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Font - Roboto Light (Revised)

by dbachen

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Inspired by the set of fonts originally released by Mattekure and discussions with some of our converters, I've created an additional font extension from the available Google font - Roboto Light (Revised).

Roboto was always my go to font before. However, I didn't like that in the original release, the bold and italic were 1 pt size smaller. This was obvious at some scaleui resolutions. This is the original version which has been modified to make the stylized versions the same size as the regular text and is being offered up as a "revised" version.

While not a personal fan of light fonts in FGU, some folks may like this. I didn't do the full series with light versions, but did this as a proof of concept. Since it was created, I'll release it in case someone wants to use it.

UUID bc8c76d2-459e-11ec-8c52-0050562be458