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Starport 1

by Pharoid

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2D battlemaps of a starport landing pad and support buildings for any SCI-FI ruleset or setting.

Primarily battlemaps with LOS and a refrence manual.

Distributed in the Vault.

3 of these MAPS are HUGE and I did keep them all under 4mb's once I applied the appropriate amount of compression and did not effect the image quality all that much.  I may further optimize them.


25px per square, top-down, outside battlemaps with links to each buildings battlemap.

Large pad : 2750x2450 957KB, LOS and lighting.
Main Pad  : 3375x2350 1.36MB, LOS and lighting
Main Pad plus refit bays:  3000x4425, 2.15MB, LOS and lighting
Small Pad : 1725x3576 1.06MB, LOS and lighting

Top view, outside navigational images with pin links to individual buildings. (tram and non-tram versions where applicable)

Large pad: under 300kb
Main pad: under 300kb
Msin Pad plus refit bays: under 300kb
Small pad: under 300kb
Refit bays: under 300kb

Standad 100px per square battlemaps

Large pad

    Warehouse 3200x1000 550kb
    (BIG) Large pad complete w/ 5 buildings : 9501x7200px 4.36MB, LOS
    Large 3 story main building:  5700x5000px 2.58MB, LOS and lighting
    building and control tower  :  5800x2800px 1.08MB, LOS and lighting

Main pad  (tram and non-tram versions included where applicable)

    (BIG) Main pad complete w/ 9 buildings : 9700x6500px 3.76MB, LOS
    (BIG) Main Pad and surrounding structure/rooms : 6500x6500 3.5MB, LOS and lighting
    4 maps of Main Pad split into quadrents: 1.1 MB each, LOS and lighting.
    6 maps of supporting buildings. some contain multiple buildings and multi-level: under 1.5mb each, LOS and lighting

Maint bays

    Single Maint Bay:  3600x4200px 1.52MB, LOS and lighting.
    (BIG) Complete maint bay map: 11200x7900px, 4.56MB, LOS

Small pad

   Northern portion of small PAD 3200x3100 1.4mb, LOS and lighting

   Center portion of small PAD  3800x1700 826k, LOS and lighting

    Southern portion of small PAD 3800x1600 623kb, LOS and lighting
    (BIG) Complete small pad w/5 buildings: 5000x9200px 5.69MB, LOS

    50ton cargo shuttle deckplan: 1500x1800 275kb, LOS and lighting
    50ton cargo shuttle w/top,side and iso view: 3500x2700px 750kb, LOS and lighting


    grav forklift
    cargo container variants
    50 ton cargo shuttle (deckplan transparency for placement on pads)
    50 ton cargo lifter (top-down view for placement on pads)

Created in Arkenforge with mostly my own assets.  Other assets are Arkenforge.

Update 1:  Added 4 outside battlemaps that include LOS and lighting.  Scale for these 4 new maps is 25px per square to help keep the size down for these maps that cover a large area.  All 4 are between 1 and 2mb's in size.

UUID fcf9cfea-506a-11ec-8c52-0050562be458