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Long Rest Reminders

by mccartysr

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Tired of forgetting things when the players take a Long Rest? Use this extension for the 5E ruleset to get automatic reminders.

Create a Story entry named LRR. This Story entry will be displayed to the GM when a Long Rest is taken. You can jot down reminders for when PCs take a Long Rest and be shown them automatically when you trigger a Rest. Great for things like consume rations, roll for charges on items, make saving throws for curses, track how many days have elapsed on tasks, and more. You can also include chat entries to send to the chat window, like any normal story entry.

Use /LRRshortrest and /LRRlongrest commands to pin the Rest functions to the hotkey bar. Type the commands into the chat, and then drag it to the hotkey bar for the quick access.

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