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Doctor Who for MoreCore

by damned

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Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

Imagine you could go anywhere. This world or countless others, encountering strange alien races, new cultures or hostile environments. Now imagine you could travel to any time. Meet Robin Hood (and duel him with a spoon!), discover what terrible monster lives under your bed, journey inside a Dalek or travel to the end of time itself. Where would you go?

With Cubicle 7’s Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, the power is in your hands! You can go anywhere or anywhen in the universe. It’s not going to be easy. It’ll probably be dangerous. The universe is a hostile place, full of Daleks, Zygons, Sontarans, the Boneless, Cybermen, Clockwork Robots, Silurians and worse. There will be fear, heartbreak and excitement, but above all, it’ll be the trip of a lifetime.

This is an Extension designed to work with the MoreCore ruleset found here:

There is no Source Books available here but there is included a Module of Rolls and Equipment to that will help you get up and running quickly.

The PDF can be found here:  for about $30

I bought it on Humble Bundle and got many splat books.

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