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5E - Expanded NPCs

by ScriedRaven

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This Extension expands the NPC sheet, adding more tabs for more  access to the different abilities that higher level NPCs tend to have. These abilities can be accessed from a variety of buttons found on the new Actions tab

Actions Tab:Actions tab as seen on PC sheets. Allows for addition of weapons, powers, and spells. WARNING: Stat changes must be made on spells, the "base" option doesn't work

Spells Button: Spells from the NPC are listed here. Save DC and to hit are drawn from the main tab

Skills Button: Adds a full skill list to the NPC, with full options for Proficiency, 2x Proficiency, and 1/2 Proficiency. WARNING: Opening tab from an NPC in a locked module sends error

Legendary Button: Lists the Legendary Resistances, Legendary Actions, and Mythic Actions

Lair Actions Button: Lists Lair Actions

Abilities Button: Exists only for compatibility with other extensions. If using Reliable Talent extension, create a feature, but no information required.

Alternate Themes offered within Floating Tabs thread

UUID d2f5fe1a-6da9-11ec-8c52-0050562be458