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Ye Olde Shoppes For Old School Essentials/Shadowdark (and 4E ruleset)

by bayne7400

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This extension (no module included) allows a GM to create custom Shops and export them into their campaigns.  You name the shop, you include the shopkeeper in the window and you stock the shop.  Once shared you place the shoppers token(player) into the window and the player drags whatever items he/she wants into the purchase window.  The GM  hits the purchase button when the player is ready. It first checks to make sure the player has sufficient funds.  Then the extension calculates any change given, depletes the shop owners available items, automatically loads the items into the players inventory, and sets the players remaining coinage!

*** PLEASE MAKE A LOCAL COPY of your Shop in your current campaign*** You do this by dragging the saved version out and then back into the Shops window.

Ye Olde Shoppes- YouTube

You can build out entire towns with unique stores, taverns or temples with this extension!

UUID 153aeb60-7231-11ec-8c52-0050562be458