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Post Apocalyptic Wasteland Map Pack

by tolokatmtu

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Total Subscribers: 16


Rocky Wastes is a post apocalyptic Table Top RPG battle map perfect for Virtual Table Top systems. The map is detailed with plenty of background items to initiate a fun and interesting session while non-descript in any specific titles to allow for easy drop in into any game.

This map is a dry rocky waste that consists of two destroyed buildings, rough terrain, dying plants, the scraps left over from society, and a pool of toxic water. The stone and metal remains of previous life scatter the wastes, while small signs of current life can be found in and around the damaged buildings.

Sharp rocks reach from the sandy ground all around the map along with dead trees and grass.

Included is a second level map that shows what remains of the roof of the two wasteland buildings as well as green thick fog that lays over the land. This version is great for setting the atmosphere and building the suspense!

  • Rocky Wastes is a 24×33 inch map.

The Wasteland Cave Hideout is a modern style Table Top RPG battle map perfect for Virtual Table Top systems or to be printed and used during your next game. The scene includes multiple rooms including a sealed medical bay and sleeping quarters. Throughout the cavernous passages there is also a mess area, an armory, and pieces of an old broken temple.

Throughout the cave are stalagmites, fallen rocks, garbage, metal sheets, and plenty of details to make combat interesting and help inspire story telling.

  • Wasteland Cave Hideout is a 33×24 inch map.

The Wasteland Clinic is a dystopian scene that is made up of a large medical building with multiple rooms. On the bottom floor are are waiting room, emergency room entrance, supply room, triage care room. 

Included in this pack is a second floor that includes multiple patient beds, doctors offices, and a large surgical room with attached clean room. 

The aesthetic of the map includes many piles of junk, a persistent dust, and multiple instances of blood stained attack locations. Walls and windows of the building are damaged and in disrepair. Piles of scrap and garbage remain from the constant looting of the clinic's valuable medicines.

  • Wasteland Clinic maps are both 19x36 inch battle maps.

Wasteland Convenience Store is a post apocalyptic Table Top RPG battle map perfect for Virtual Table Top systems or to be printed and used during your next game. The map is detailed with plenty of background items to initiate a fun and interesting session while non-descript in any specific titles to allow for easy drop in into any game.

The scene includes multiple damaged buildings, destroyed vehicles, and piles of ruble. Inside what remains of the store building is old food, broken and empty bottles, boxes of out dated goods, and the remains of a once bustling store. An open safe lies hidden under the check out counter while an empty cash register sits idly covered in dust.

A smaller destroyed building hides a small camp that someone has previously used, while another broken space holds a still burning barrel. Across the street and throughout the area nature has started is slow reclamation of the concrete and metal. Dirt from a recent storm lines the once clear walkways while weeds and grass has begun to grow through the cracks in the asphalt.

  • Wasteland Store is a 19×24 inch map.

The map aesthetic works great for games set in a sci-fi, cyberpunk, dystopian, or any modern wasteland setting. Included in this release is the standard map with and without the grid, as well as a dystopian color stylized version.

UUID 58f48d18-a295-11ec-8c52-0050562be458