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Clock Adjuster

by pr6i6e6st

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!!!BEFORE USING: select a calendar, set a date and time and adjust your hours and minutes field at least once to make sure the numbers “exist”.

This extension adds a panel to your desktop, containing a clock, adjusters for the time, a reminder manager, an events manager, and a travel manager.

Current Hours/Minutes/Day/Month/Year - displays your current time and date

Add Hours - can be adjusted by clicking and typing into the box or by CTRL + mousewheel. When double-clicked, it will advance time by the indicated number of hours.
Add Minutes - can be adjusted by clicking and typing into the box or by CTRL + mousewheel. When double-clicked, it will advance time by the indicated number of minutes.
Add Days - can be adjusted by clicking and typing into the box or by CTRL + mousewheel. When double-clicked, it will advance time by the indicated number of days.
Add Label - When double-clicked, it will advance time by the indicated number of hours and minutes and days specified in the fields in the corresponding row.
Long/Short Rest (3.5E/4E/5E/pathfinder/pathfinder2 ONLY) - When double-clicked, it will advance time by the indicated hours or minutes, based on the 3.5E/4E/5E/pathfinder/pathfinder2 rules.

Advance to 6AM - advances time to the next 6am with a single click.
Advance to 12AM - advances time to the next 12am with a single click.
Advance to 6PM - advances time to the next 6pm with a single click.
Advance to 12PM - advances time to the next 12PM with a single click.
The panel can be moved by right-clicking and unlocking it's position with a single click.

Events List: - opens a window that you can right-click within to create "events". set a date for an event and when that time has been reached or passed, a message will be sent to the chat. Right-click to delete window or events. Events can be shared; chat messages can be hidden. if an event has the same name as an existing table, the table will roll upon triggering. New: a checkmark will allow an event to repeat annually. A bell will ring upon completion, this can be turned off in the Options menu.

Travel Manager: - opens a window that allows you to set a distance, speed, and number of days/hours to travel. Will automatically advance time while tracking distance covered and sending a chat message with details. This message can be set to Visible Only to GM, or Visible to All. There are also options to travel at a slow, normal, and fast pace and can roll on tables "Encounter Chance Slow Travel Pace", "Encounter Chance Normal Travel Pace", or "Encounter Chance Slow Travel Pace". You can set a 0%-100% chance an encounter happens while travelling, and can set a 0%-100% chance the resulting encounter will be a battle. If it is not a battle, it will roll a tabled called "Non Combat Encounter". 

Reminders - opens a window that you can right-click within to create "reminders". Set the duration for the reminder to repeat, activate it, set it to GM Visible Only or Visible to All. If a reminder has the same name as an existing table, the table will roll upon triggering. New: A bell will ring upon completion, this can be turned off in the Options menu.

Weather Checking: - A Checkmark on the panel will enable "Weather Checking". While enabled, when double-clicking the "addhour", "addday", "addmonth", addyear", "longrest", "shortrest"(5e only), "adv6AM", "adv12PM", "adv6PM", "adv12AM" buttons, it will also attempt to roll on the tables "Weather Wind", "Weather Temperature", and "Weather Precipitation". You will need to create these tables (NOTE: if you have the 5e: DMG, these exist already as "Weather - Wind", "Weather - Temperature", and "Weather - Precipitation" and must be renamed, removing the “-“ from the name.)

New Busy State: Players now have a window, when they load up, above their chat. They can double-click it to add an entry (one per active character) and name the action, determine the amount of time it will take, and if everyone or just the GM can see the notification upon completion. They can also right click the window to lock/unlock or minimize the window. They may double-click the name or actor name of the entry to delete it if need be. New: A bell will ring upon completion, this can be turned off in the Options menu.

When Setting Up For The First Time
-make sure to set up your in-game calendar

New! Automation added for the Alien RPG ruleset below:

effects can be added to a PC on the combat tracker to use time based automation:

HUMAN -- allows for scripts to identify this entity as a human, so they can roll the critical injuries table, add them to their character sheet and effects, roll stamina at Time Limit durations for critical injuries, heal critical injuries, gain stress on damage taken. some critical injuries results will add the point of stress automatically to the inflicted character.
SYNTH -- allows for scripts to identify this entity as a synthetic, so they can roll the critical injuries on synthetics table and add the injuries to their character sheet.
NEEDSFOOD -- will automatically roll consumable or stamina rolls when time advances, changes conditions, reduces health on failed stamina rolls, rolls death rolls instead when health is 0.
NEEDSWATER -- will automatically roll consumable or deplete health when stamina rolls when time advances. changes conditions. Rolls Death rolls when health is 0 instead.
NEEDSAIR -- will automatically roll consumable or stamina rolls when time advances. changes conditions. Rolls stamina and will reduce health automatically. Will also automatically apply SUFFOCATING effect when air supply is 0 (see below) 
SUFFOCATING -- applied automatically when NEEDSAIR is applied, and air supply is 0. Can be applied independently to use the same effect. While SUFFOCATING is applied and health is 0, death rolls will be made at the beginning of each turn automatically. Failing a stamina roll while suffocating will automatically reduce health to 0.
FREEZING: TURN/FREEZING: SHIFT/FREEZING: DAY-- will automatically roll stamina rolls when time advances and reduce health. Will roll death rolls automatically when health is 0.
GETSTIRED -- will automatically roll stamina rolls for when time advances, will add SLEEPING effect when character cannot possibly stay awake or when they fail their stamina roll. 
SLEEPING -- will ignore the GETSTIRED function and reset its timer
CANHEAL -- allows healing over time
FEELSSAFE -- allows stress reduction over time

Clicking the freezing condition will automatically apply the FREEZING: DAY effect to the character.

an Option in the Options menu will allow you to determine if a turn is 5 or 10 minutes. Shifts are default 6 hours. hopefully with a little more work, i can get more of that automated in the future. for now, with need of the #1 fix, this should be sufficient. please come to me if you have any issues.

v.3.8 adds a new Slash handler (primarily intended for use with the Alien RPG effects above, but why not allow it across the board?)
-/addalleffect effect true/false duration targetname
effect = the effect you wish to apply
true/false = true to add effect, false to remove effect
duration = for how long the effect lasts (0 by default)
targetname = only affects entities on the combat tracker whose names contain the text given. (for example, "Rob" is found in "Robert", "Robyn, "Robust", and "Robber").

UUID bb9b6d76-abdf-11ec-8c52-0050562be458