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Bayne's Bag of Holding - OSR Edition (OSE and Swords and Wizardy)

by bayne7400

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This extension lets the GM and player's organize their pack animals, magical huts, wagons, or bags of holding right on the Party Sheet.  Players can control their coin and drag and drop items from their inventory to storage(and back).  The GM sets the location in case the party is using multiple animals.  Player tokens link their character sheets to their coin or bag of holding.  Weights of all coins and items are tracked on the window

If you have ever tried to run pack animals and used character sheets or some other sort of hack you realize how non perfect it is.  My biggest complaint in my groups is that player's can't remember what is stored in their Tiny Hut. They no longer have to worry!  

Bayne's Bag of Holding- Video

UUID 165e1292-c32b-11ec-8c52-0050562be458