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Theogeek's Assassinate

by TheoGeek

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When this extension is loaded, it automates two aspects of the assassinate class feature - crits on surprised targets and attack advantage if the attacker goes before the target.

In order for these to be automated, the attacker must have an effect that includes the word "Assassinate".

Surprised crits:
For hits against a surprised target to be promoted to critical hits, the target must have an effect named "Surprised", and that effect must be active. If so, if the attack roll hits, depending on the option selected, it will be considered a critical hit and do critical damage. This extension does NOT add the "Surprised" effect to the target, it merely checks for a "Surprised" effect. RAW states this only applies during the first round, but for flexibility (and house ruling), I added options to apply this only during the first round (default, according to initiative order), apply every round (according to initiative order), or whenever (ignores round and initiative order restrictions.)

Advantage applies if the attacker's turn precedes the target's turn. There is an option (again for flexibility and house ruling) that defaults to RAW behavior (i.e. only applies during round 1), but can be changed to apply during any round (according to initiative order.)

Testing (thanks Ludd_G!) has shown that this works as expected with both Stealth Tracker and Surprise Round extensions loaded.


Current version: 1.2

- Fix name for new FGU client "Feature" filter.

UUID 10a0d25a-f95d-11ec-8c52-0050562be458