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Prison Ward Futuristic Battle Map

by tolokatmtu

5.00 Avg. rating
Total Subscribers: 8


Every good sci-fi story, anti-hero origin story, or mid-campaign side quest needs a good old fashioned prison break!

The Prison Ward can house up to 18 prisoners, with individual rooms. All of the rooms have access to a large communal area for eating and socializing with multiple tables. Hidden nearby are 4 large riot containment cyborgs within secured rooms.

In the center of the room is an announcement display providing the current status of the ward and making announcements and giving orders to the prisoners.

A control room located on a second floor above the ward allows for constant observation by the guards. Consoles work the cyborgs and announcement display as well as controls the two automated turrets on either side of the room. To allow viewing of the common room, the floor and walls of the 2nd floor control center is made of thick glass.

Included in the download is three colored variations of the map, including the lights out, and action contrast colors. Each color version of the maps include grid and non-gridded versions of each map and floor.

The map aesthetic works great for games set in a sci-fi, cyberpunk, dystopian, or any modern urban setting.

Included in download:

  • Prison Ward digital map and Control Room second floor map.
  • Prison Ward and the Control Room have already been setup with walls, lighting effects, grid, and is ready to be used in any game!

UUID 933807a8-14f9-11ed-8c52-0050562be458