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Class and Archetype Mod

by Blahness98

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All the classes and archetypes that are currently in PF 1e in a drag and drop state. This should allow a player to simply find the class (and archetype) they want and drop it on their character without problems. Along with the drag and drop classes are all the special abilities that go along with those classes, also drag and drop capable. This module is complete with 1,541 classes and 5,067 special abilities. I have not created any effects for any of the abilities.

Please note, this is a VERY data intensive module, as such, there actually is a 10-15 second load time when the module is initially activated and when you click on the "Class" or "Special Ability" in the library screen. During these load times, FG will hang, but the program will come back after the load. I highly recommend that you do not access the class data from the library and instead, use the Class/Special Ability shields on the right of the screen.

All classes in the Class shield are grouped for easy of access. This module ONLY has single archetypes built. It is well beyond my scope to even attempt to create combinations of archetypes within a single class.

The same goes for the Special Abilities shield. All class abilities can be searched for or filtered for easy access.

Please note: Any spellcasting classes (aside from base classes (wizard, cleric, etcetera)) will not have their spell slots and automatically setup by default. This is due to inherent automation done by FG. See this post for more details.

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