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OSRIC for 2E

by Sterno

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It turns out that legally sharing our homemade adventure modules with each other is difficult if it relies on licensed 2E content (such as PHB spells, MM monsters, etc), so for the purely selfish reasons of hoping I end up seeing some homemade modules posted that I can then shamelessly steal and use in my game, I've decided to convert OSRIC for the 2E ruleset. Note that this is meant to be played in 2E... it's not a separate "OSRIC" ruleset. I have seen that there was some other OSRIC content community mods in the past, but I think they were meant to be used with an OSRIC extension that changes how the 2E ruleset plays. This is not meant to change any of the rules of the 2e ruleset or how the game plays... it's just a different set of data than what you'd get from the 2E Player's Handbook or Monstrous Manual.

I've converted all of the races, classes, weapons, armor, spells, and monsters from the OSRIC core rules into a module. I had planned to do the Monsters of Myth book as well, but after looking at the license on it I'm not entirely sure I can do that legally. So for now I've abandoned that plan.

Note: AlterZwerg has created a module for the OSRIC magic items, available in this forum thread

This is all free for anyone to use, obviously. It follows the same license as OSRIC, and I'm not a lawyer, but I think that basically means you can use it in your published content (free or even for money) so long as you include the license and attribution. If you're going to sell any content you make using spells/monsters/etc from this, though, don't trust my word for it... look into that yourself.

It's worth looking at the "Conversion Notes (a.k.a., "Why did he do it this way?")" Story entry in the module. It explains many of the decisions I had to make when making this compatible with the 2E ruleset (like how to deal with ambiguous rules, calculate XP values, etc).

I am certain that typos and probably some fat-fingered stats ended up in there here and there. For a lot of the typos, they're a result of how copy and pasting from the OSRIC PDF formatted text... it would occasionally inserted extra spaces or have a few other weird problems. I am unlikely to go through and take the time to remove extra white spaces here and there (usually right before a period at the end of a paragraph, or for some reason after the letters "fi"). That said, feel free to drop me a list of them and I'll correct them eventually in a big batch.

If you see more serious problems, like stat or automation errors, I'll handle those and post updates more quickly.

This thread in the 2E forums is a good place to discuss the mod or report problems.

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