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DBR Thousand Year Old Vampire

by damned

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Thousand Year Old Vampire

This a basic ruleset for the Thousand Year Old Vampire RPG which can be found here and here 

Up Front Warning

The announcement text for this ruleset might be seen as a bit of a rant by some readers. Im OK with that. This ruleset is free and I encourage you to use it if you enjoy this game system. I strongly disagree with the authors views and some stupid stubborn part of me felt that this was a good way to respond.

Legal Stuff

Under US copyright law game mechanics are not protected. This DBR (damned basic ruleset) includes mechanics from the game system it is written for but does not include content and other copyright protected material. This DBR is not licensed, endorsed or sanctioned by the games copyright holders. Some parts of the code in this DBR may be copyright SmiteWorks. You should ask my permission before borrowing code from this DBR.


These DBRs take a long time to learn the game system, plan the project, develop and test the code and create graphics. I do it to enable more people to play what they want to play on Fantasy Grounds. If you find this DBR useful and you want to encourage this kind of work please consider making a donation via paypal to help feed my RPG habit. This DBR is 100% free to use and no donation is required.

If you want to contribute you can do so here:


There is no guarantee that this DBR will do everything you want or expect it to, that the DBR will be error free, that I will continue to support the DBR etc. Over time I may find I have more or less time or willingness to work on this DBR. It is what it is.

Fast Start

I will make a video on using the ruleset soonish...

Things to Note

This is a FGU only ruleset. It uses some features that are only available in FGU.

There is an Option (in Options) to use a Prompts Table. For this to work you will need to create a Table called Prompts and fill it with the prompts from the book or the community versions. I suggest that you add an option at the end eg 89-200 End of Table (or something similar) top prevent the table erroring if you run out of prompts. 

To play the game you will need to read the rules. There is no getting around that. The main thing to know about this ruleset is that you double click the Counter on the character sheet to roll the dice and generate your next prompt.


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