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Clocks - Blades in the Dark Style

by GladysGlitch

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Clocks are added to the sidebar under the 'Campaign' heading. Shareable with players, this extension provides an easy way to track long term projects or put pressure on your players in any ruleset (CoreRPG based). Inspired by the Blades in the Dark mechanic.

  • Clocks are available in four different styles: black and red blades style, plain brown, sci fi blue, and neon green.
  • GMs can choose the style under the Options menu - Game heading. You need to reopen the clock for changes to apply.
  • Clocks are divided into 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 segments.
  • Left click to advance the clock, ctrl and left click to go back.
  • There is an optional section for notes under each clock.


  • The colour of BitD style clocks can be chosen with the RGBA colour picker

If you have a different theme in mind or need different divisions send me a message.

UUID ee90c2fe-70a5-11ed-8c52-0050562be458