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Feature: Just The Clock Adjuster

by pr6i6e6st

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I took my beloved Clock Adjuster extension and stripped it of all its extra features. This version simply helps manage the time from the desktop.

Get the full version with all the bells and whistles on the forge here

If you are an extension developer and would like to use this extension (or the full version), i've provided some script to utilize.

  • TimeManager.TimeChanged() -- lets this extension know to update time and run Time Change Functions. Generally should be called after performing your own functions
  • local aCurrentDate = TimeManager.getCurrentRawDate() -- gets a table of the current time
  • local aBuildDate = TimeManager.buildRawDate(nMinute, nHour, nDay, nMonth, nYear) -- gets a table of the time given
  • local nMinutes = TimeManager.getRawDateDifferences(aCurrentDate, aLastDate) -- gets the difference between dates in minutes
  • local aLastDate = TimeManager.getLastDate(Node, aCurrentDate) -- for repeating events like reminders. Node is where the table is stored. If a table doesn't exist, one is created with the current date.
  • TimeManager.setLastDate(Node, aCurrentDate) -- for repeating events like reminders.  If you wanted a timer on a spell a player casts for example, you may use the node of the spell cast to keep track of the last time it was used. This creates new nodes ".lastminute", ".lasthour", ".lastday", ".lastmonth", and ".lastyear", which are all "number" types.
  • TimeManager.addTimeChangeFunction(f) -- add a function to be triggered on TimeChange events

Conversion Functions:

  • local nMinutesTotaled = convertSecondstoMinutes(nNumber) -- converts seconds to minutes
  • local nMinutesTotaled = convertHourstoMinutes(nNumber) -- converts hours to minutes
  • local nHoursTotaled = convertMinutestoHours(nNumber) -- converts minutes to hours
  • local nDaysTotaled = convertHourstoDays(nNumber) -- converts hours to days
  • local nHoursTotaled = convertDaystoHours(nNumber) -- converts days to hours
  • local nDaysTotaled = convertMinutestoDays(nNumber) -- converts minutes to days
  • local nMinutesTotaled = convertDaystoMinutes(nNumber) -- converts days to minutes 
  • local nHoursTotaled = convertMonthtoHours(nMonth, nYear) -- converts the given month of the given year to hours
  • local nMinutesTotaled = convertMonthtoMinutes(nMonth, nYear) -- converts the given month of the given year to minutes
  • local nYearinHours = convertYeartoHours(nNumber) -- converts the given year to hours
  • local nYearinMinutes = convertYeartoMinutes(nNumber) -- converts the given year to minutes
  • local nMinutesTotaled = convertYearsnowtoMinutes(nYear) -- converts for all years up to the given year
  • local nHoursTotaled = convertYearsnowtoHours(nYear) -- converts for all years up to the given year
  • local nMinutes = convertMonthssnowtoMinutes(nMonth, nYear) -- converts for all minutes from the beginning of the given year up to the given month of that year
  • local nHours = convertMonthssnowtoHours(nMonth, nYear) -- converts for all hours from the beginning of the given year up to the given month of that year.

UUID d6984c14-cdbd-11ee-8e2b-0050562be458