by Morenu
Currently in the ALPHA stage. (A-C complete)
New add: All 3 Image styles are now available on my Google Drive link, See the Go Fund Me forum link for for more details
My wife's Go Fund Me forum post Has a link for just the Images If interested
If This has saved you time and you are inclined to add to my FGU funds, you can PayPal me using @MorenuFGU
*** Images have been drastically reduced in size using Webp format without losing quality of note (45% mod file size reduction). Due to this, I have decided to also add the Token - Camera view to all NPCs as well to work with the 2.5D view. ***
The goal of this Mod is to remove the headache of duplicate NPCs, incomplete NPC information, Missing effects, missing images and tokens and reorganizing NPC names as needed, while also gathering every Paizo NPC I have access to.
This Mod currently consists of just under 4000 NPCs gathered from all the Paizo FGU items I currently own (Link to my list), Plus Dllewell's PFRPG - Bestiary Mod (Thank You!) . If you have Paizo Products I am missing and wish to send NPCs from them that I am missing that would be great.
To avoid copyright infringement plus the hassle of linking images to Paizo products you may not own or do not wish to load, I am recreating every image and token using AI images.
- Now using ChatGPT to get a good description based off what information I have
- I am using Nightcafe for the AI images, Using Dall-E to create. using my purchased points for all at this point.
- I am then using the Remove Background Feature to create the Token Camera image
- I then use the original image and put it into VTT Token Maker to create the token.
- Then I open all 3 in and edit & resize as needed then Save as a webp file Labeled as: Original, Original T, Original Token
I am also categorizing NPCs together such as:
- Race, Description/Job (Name if unique)
- Dragon, type [HD Age] (Name if unique)
- Examples of NPCs Labeled together: Demons, Devils, Dragons, Goblins, Humans, Gnomes, Snakes, Spiders...
I am currently finished 8+ pages (444 Unique Tokens Plus 2 matching Images) and have 73 to go. I will rename and edit as I go when I find errors which there will be many right now)
I would love to have volunteers export NPCs to XML if you find & fix errors or add spell effects or create free to use images, or clean up the Notes area. I can then easily Import them and update.
If you want to help, just start a few pages ahead or further than where I am at as I will be going by page in order. then just post to the forum or send them via Discord.
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